Beginning Again
The Work of Byron Katie

The Work of Byron Katie is a simple and powerful way of freeing ourselves from the limiting beliefs that cause our suffering and hold us back from living in our peace and truth and joy. The Work guides us in a meditative practice of self-inquiry, taps into our wisdom, and burns up what isn't true for us. Experience the kindness and compassion that comes from meeting yourself and your relationships with new understanding.
"Self-inquiry will undo you. It will bring you back to Love itself." ~Byron Katie
Free resources for doing The Work are available for everyone on thework.com website. Additionally, the Do The Work helpline is a free, anonymous service where volunteers can walk you through The Work and answer any questions you may have about it.

About Me

Hi, I'm Laura Bobeck, a certified facilitator of The Work of Byron Katie. I began practicing The Work in 2014 when I attended my first School for The Work. I felt like something was missing even though I was exploring and finding some peace in many different self-help techniques. Practicing The Work was different; it brought me home to myself and opened up a space in me where my deepest emotions and trauma could land safely. It allowed Life to flow back into my life.
Nothing else has brought me so close to myself, reading my heart, as this powerful process of self-inquiry. It's an opportunity to notice what I've missed in moments of stress and trauma. With the four questions and turnarounds of The Work alive in me, I have guidance when I feel anything other than peace.
Sitting in self-inquiry allows an intimate presence with my mind and heart. It's self-research and education. It's the kindness to slow down in stillness, question my stressful beliefs and notice my answers as they arise. New perspectives and ways open. Clarity, revelation, gratitude & honesty happen. Compassion & kindness are shown. I'm living more and more from the inside out. I feel a fresh zest for life!
Sharing The Work with others and holding space for self-inquiry lights up my heart. I love how The Work can apply to any thought and any area of life.
I welcome you to contact me with any questions about The Work, my individual sessions, and group events. Thank you for visiting!
Private Sessions
My private sessions last up to 90 minutes each. I have a sliding scale from $60 to $120 per session.
I invite you to give in alignment with your ability and gratefulness for our time together.
Please inquire if this scale is above your means and we can discuss a value that works for you.

Up to 90 minutes
1 hr 30 min
$60 - $120

Connect with me
Please fill out the form below, press the send button,
and I'll respond to your email.